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Nos (quelques) jeux vidéo de 2014

Voici les jeux sortis en 2014 que nous avons acquis ainsi que les plateformes sur lesquelles nous les avons pratiqués (une bonne partie acquise grâce aux programmes Playstation Plus et Games with Gold ainsi que via les Humble Bundle) :

Don’t Starve (PS4)

Out There (iOS/Android)

Outlast (PS4)

Titanfall (Xbox One)

Strider (ps4 )

Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition (ps4)

Infinite Crisis (PC)

Threes! (iOS)

TowerFall Ascension (PS4)

Metal Gear Solid 5 : Ground Zeroes (PS4)

Infamous: second son (PS4)

Dark Souls 2 (Xbox 360)

Monument Valley (iOS)

Mercenary Kings (PS4)

TxK (PSVita)

OlliOlli (PSVita)


Mario kart 8(WiiU)

Watch_dogs (ps4)

Broforce (PC)

Expendabros (PC)

Goat Simulator (PC et android)

Super Time Force (Xbox One)

Octodad (PC)

Strike Suit Zero : Director’s Cut (Xbox One)

Expendabros (PC)

D4 : Dark Dreams Don’t Die (Xbox One)

Super Smash Bros (3DS)

Pix the Cat (PS4)

Chariot (xbox One)

Bayonetta 1 (WiiU)

Bayonetta 2 (WiiU)

shadow of the mordor (PC)

Wasteland 2 (PC/Mac)

Völgarr the Viking (Xbox One)

Shovel Knight (WiiU)

The Binding of Isaac Rebith (PS4/PSvita)

jazzpunk (PC/Mac)

Far Cry 4 (PS4)

Steamworld dig (PSVITA/PS4)

Lego Batman 3 (PS4)

Pokemon Rubis Oméga (3DS)

Super Smash Bros (WiiU)

Risk of Rain (Mac)

Worms Battlegrounds (Xbox One)

Secret Ponchos (PS4)

Oquonie (iOS)

Wayward souls (Android)

Sportsfriends (PS4)

Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft (Mac/PC/iOS)

Hitman go (iOS)

Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare PS4

Limbo (Xbox One)

Spelunky (PS4)


Road not taken (PS4)

Luftrausers (PSVita/PS3/PC /Mac)

Metrico (PSVita)

Velocity 2X (PS4/PSVita)

Lone Survivor: The Director’s Cup (PS4)

Dust: An Elysian Tail (PS4)

Titan Attacks (PS4)

Final Horizon (PS4 / PSVita)

The Hungry Horde (PSVita)

Surge Deluxe (PSVita)

Frozen Synapse Prime (PSVita)

Vessel (PS3)

Resogun (PSVita)

Joe Danger (PSvita)

PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate (PS4/PSVita)

Shuttle Shuffle (iOS)

Minecraft (Xbox One / PSVita)

P.T. (PS4)

Trials Fusion (PS4)

Guacamelee ! Super turbo Championship Edition (Xbox One)

The Escapists (PC)

Soldats Inconnus : Mémoires de la Grande Guerre (PS4)


Mais bien sûr nous avons joué à des jeux plus anciens aussi (late gaming),  petit florilège :


Animal crossing new leaf (3DS)

Puzzle & Dragons (iOS)

Hoard (PC)

Zelda the Wind Waker HD (WiiU)

Tearaway (PSVita)

Kotor (iOS)

Earthbound (WiiU)

Dark Souls (Xbox 360)

Megaman (3DS)

Megaman 3 (3DS)

Megaman 4 (3DS)

Megaman 5 (3DS)

Megaman 6 (3DS)

The Wonderful 101 (WiiU)

Dead End (iOs)

Dragon’s Crown (PSVita)

Farming Simulator 2013 (PC)

Crimson Dragon (Xbox One)

Chivalry medieval warfare (PC)

Starbound (PC)

DmC: Devil May Cry (PS3)

Soul Sacrifice (PSVita)

BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend (PS3)

BioShock Infinite (PS3)

Borderlands 2 (PS3)

Metro: Last Light (PS3)

Dynasty Warriors Next (PSVita)

Tomb Raider (PS3)

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (PS3)

PixelJunk Monsters Ultimate HD (PSVita)

Smart As (PSVita)

PES 2014: Pro Evolution Soccer (PS3)

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time (PS3/PSVita)

Hotline miami (PSVita)

MotoGP 13 (PSVita)

The Pupeteer (PS3)

Payday 2 (PS3)

NBA 2K14 (PS3)

Injustice: Gods Among Us (ultimate edition ) (PS4)

Escape Plan (PS Vita / PS4)

PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale (PSVita/PS3)

Crysis 3(PS3)

LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (PS3)

Proteus (PSVita/PS3)

Doki Doki Universe (PSVita /PS3/PS4)

Muramasa Rebirth (PSVita)

Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS3)

Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara (PS3)

Dead Space 3 (PS3)

LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (PS3)

LEGO Harry Potter Years 5-7 (PSvita)

Hoard (PS3)

Rainbow Moon (PS3)

Hitman HD Trilogy (PS3)

Deadly Premonition: The Director’s Cut (PS3)


jeux humble bundle :

Tower of Guns (PC/Mac)

Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet (PC/Mac)

OlliOlli (PC/Mac)

Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs (PC/Mac)

Jazzpunk (PC/Mac)

Risk of Rain (PC/Mac)

The Novelist (PC/Mac)

Eldritch (PC/Mac)

Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack (PC/Mac)

Syberia (android)

Neuroshima Hex (android)

Barbarian : Golden Axe edition (android)

Receiver (PC/Mac)

SteamWorld Dig (PC/Mac)

Hammerwatch (PC/Mac)

Gunpoint (PC/Mac)

Gone Home (PC/Mac)

Papers, Please (PC/Mac)

Luftrausers (PC/Mac)

Prison Architect (PC/Mac)

The Bridge (PC/Mac)

Monaco: What’s Yours Is Mine (PC/Mac)

Race the Sun (PC/Mac)

Warlock: Master of the Arcane! (PC/Mac)

Deadlight (PC/Mac)

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing (PC/Mac)

Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition (PC)

Terraria (PC/Mac)

Crusader Kings II (PC/Mac)


Legend of Grimrock (PC/Mac)

Orcs Must Die! 2: Complete Pack (PC/Mac)

PixelJunk Eden (PC/Mac)

Carmageddon (android)

Combo Crew Special Edition (android)

Duet Premium (android)

Eliss Infinity (android)

Joe Dever’s Lone Wolf(android)

Llamas with Hats: Cruise Catastrophe (android)

Mines of Mars (android)

Threes! (android)

Time Surfer (android)

Skyborn (PC)

Sweet Lily Dreams (PC)

Deadly Sin 2 (PC)

Breach & Clear (PC/Android)

Draw a Stickman: EPIC (PC/Android)

Fieldrunners (PC/Android)

Fieldrunners 2 (PC/Android)

Frozen Synapse (PC/Android)

Galcon Fusion (PC/Android)

Galcon Legends (PC/Android)

Ittle Dew (PC/Android)

METAL SLUG 3 (PC/Android)

Skulls of the Shogun (PC/Android)

Symphony (PC/Android)

Wizardry 6 (PC/Mac)

Wizardry 7 (PC/Mac)

Shadow Man (PC/Mac)

Aralon: Sword and Shadow (android)

Bag It! (android)

Carcassonne (android)

Enviro-Bear 2010 (android)

Paper Monsters (android)

R-TYPE (android)

R-TYPE II (android)

The Cave (android)

Bridge Constructor (PC/android)

Broken Sword 2: The Smoking Mirror (PC/android)

Kingdom Rush (PC/android)

Knights of Pen & Paper +1 Edition (PC/android)

Ravensword: Shadowlands (PC/android)

Savant – Ascent (PC/android)

Syder Arcade (PC/android)

The Shivah (PC/android)

Type:Rider (PC/android)

Alpha Protocol (PC)

Company of Heroes (PC)

Rome: Total War (PC)

Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit (PC)

10 Classic SEGA Genesis Games (PC)

Medieval II: Total War (PC)

Typing of the Dead: Overkill (PC)

Binary Domain (PC)

Renegade Ops (PC)

Antichamber (PC/Mac)

Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians (PC/Mac)

Dust: An Elysian Tail (PC/Mac)

FEZ (PC/Mac)

Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams (PC/Mac)

Guacamelee! Gold Edition (PC/Mac)

Monaco (PC/Mac)

The Swapper (PC/Mac)

Overlord (PC)

Overlord: Raising Hell (PC)

Rise of the Argonauts (PC)

Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising (PC)

Operation Flashpoint: Red River (PC)

Overlord II (PC)

DiRT Showdown (PC)

DiRT 3 (PC)

BIT.TRIP Presents… Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien (PC/Mac)


Joe Danger 2: The Movie (PC/Mac)

Papo & Yo (PC/Mac)

Reus (PC/Mac)

Strike Suit Zero (PC/Mac)

Surgeon Simulator 2013 (PC/Mac)

To the Moon (PC/Mac)


jeux Games with Gold:

The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief (Xbox 360)

SSX (Xbox 360)

Viva Piñata : Pagaille au Paradis (Xbox 360)

Red faction guerilla (Xbox 360)

Battlefield: Bad Compagnie 2 (Xbox 360)

Darksiders 2 (Xbox 360)

Monaco : what’s yours is mine (Xbox 360)

Halo Reach (Xbox 360)

Crimson dragon (Xbox One)

Motocross Madness (Xbox 360)

Dishonored (Xbox 360)

Gotham City Impostors (Xbox 360)

Battleblock Theater (Xbox 360)

Max : The Curse of Brotherhood (Xbox One)

Halo : Spartan Assault (Xbox One)

Dark Souls (Xbox 360)

Charlie Murder (Xbox 360)

Super Street Fighter IV : Arcade Edition (Xbox 360)

Dust : An Elysian Tail (Xbox 360)

Saints Row : The Third (Xbox 360)

Hitman Absolution (Xbox 360)

Deadlight (Xbox 360)

Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution (Xbox 360)

Dungeon Defenders (Xbox 360)

Dead Island (Xbox 360)

Toy soldiers Cold War (Xbox 360)

Sleeping dogs (Xbox 360)

Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light (Xbox 360)

Pixel Piracy (PC/Mac)




A propos de l'auteur


Rédacteur en chef avec la Passion™ ® du Jeu Vidéo depuis ses débuts sur Spectravideo et Sinclair ZX81.
Fier papa de 2 jeunes gamers.

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